How to check the exact version of an installed composer package?
# php# composer
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Composer is a dependency management tool for PHP. It allows you to declare the packages your project depends on and manage them. Sometimes you may need to know the exact versions of installed Composer packages, article shows how to do that using composer show and other commands.
PHP+Slack: 5 easy ways to send a message
# php# slack# symfony
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Slack has become a popular tool for workplace communication, allowing teams to collaborate easily. It can be useful to learn how to send messages to Slack from code. Article shows 5 easy ways to do this using PHP - curl, Symfony HTTP client, Symfony Slack Notifier, jolicode PHP client for Slack API and Slack Webhook.
PHP+Telegram: 5 easy ways to send a message
# php# telegram# symfony# laravel
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
In the world of online communication, Telegram stands out as a popular messaging platform. It might be useful to know how to send a message to Telegram from code. Article shows 5 easy ways to do this using PHP - curl, file_get_contents, Symfony HTTP client, Symfony Telegram Notifier and Telegram Bot SDK.