How to check the exact version of an installed composer package?
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Composer is a dependency management tool for PHP. It allows you to declare the packages your project depends on and manage (install/update/remove) them. Sometimes you may need to know the exact versions of your installed packages, article shows you how to do that using composer show and other commands.
Check the versions of all installed packages
You can check which packages are installed in the current working directory by running one of the following commands - show or info:
composer show
# or
composer info
It shows you package names, versions and descriptions:
curl/curl 2.5.0 cURL class for PHP
symfony/http-client v6.3.2 Provides powerful methods to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously
symfony/http-foundation v6.3.4 Defines an object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification
symfony/yaml v6.3.3 Loads and dumps YAML files
Check the versions of globally installed packages
Sometimes you may need to check which packages are installed globally in the system. The show command should be run with the global keyword:
composer global show
And you will see a list similar to the previous one, but containing only globally installed packages:
curl/curl 2.5.0 cURL class for PHP
Check the version of a particular package
For example, if you want to check which version of symfony/http-foundation is installed, you can do this as follows:
composer show symfony/http-foundation
It will give you a lot of information about the package: name, description, version, requirements, conflicting packages and much more:
name : symfony/http-foundation
descrip. : Defines an object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification
keywords :
versions : * v6.3.4
type : library
php >=8.1
symfony/deprecation-contracts ^2.5|^3
symfony/polyfill-mbstring ~1.1
symfony/polyfill-php83 ^1.27
symfony/cache <6.2
You can grep the versions only:
composer show symfony/http-foundation | grep versions
# output
versions : * v6.3.4
The same results can be obtained by using the info command:
composer info symfony/http-foundation | grep versions
# output
versions : * v6.3.4
Check package versions from a specific author/vendor
If you want to check the package version from a specific author/vendor, for example check the versions of the installed Symfony components, you can pass a package mask using wildcards:
composer show "symfony/*"
It will only show packages that start with symfony/
symfony/http-client v6.3.2 Provides powerful methods to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously
symfony/http-foundation v6.3.4 Defines an object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification
symfony/yaml v6.3.3 Loads and dumps YAML files
Check why the package was installed
The composer show command displays a list of all installed packages and you may find some unfamiliar names in this list, e.g. libraries you haven't installed, but which are present in your application. If you are curious about how this happened, you can run the why or depends command:
composer why symfony/service-contracts
# or
composer depends symfony/service-contracts
It tells you which other packages depend on a particular package and why it was installed even though it was not directly required:
symfony/http-client v6.3.2 requires symfony/service-contracts (^2.5|^3)
symfony/translation v6.3.3 conflicts symfony/service-contracts (<2.5)
Composer helps you manage your dependencies and keep track of which version of certain packages are installed.. The composer show or composer info commands can be used to find out the exact version of a composer package.
The composer why or composer depends commands are also useful to check why a particular package is installed or what other packages need it and in what version.